

An educational gardening site from an analytical individual

Why should you grow plants?

Gardening is relatively inexpensive and a great hobby for someone stuck at home during the pandemic. It gets you outside on watering or repotting days and plants are great for improving indoor air quality and reducing stress. This site makes the plant selection process easier with a quick survey to assess your environment and links to resources for extended care guides.


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Peace lilies and ivy improve indoor air quality by removing CO2 and increasing relative humidity: Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health Journal

Plants in the workplace boost productivity and reduce stress: The Times, London

Helpful Media

The Royal Horticultural Society

The RHS is an excellent educational resource and they post beautiful pictures on instagram.
main site: rhs.org
instagram: @the_rhs

Succulent City

If you're looking for a more modern aesthetic, Succulent City is primarily focused on, you guessed it, succulents! (and cacti).
main site: succulentcity.com
instagram: @succulentcity

All work by Willow Stuckey | IST 276 at Mercer University | © 2020