How I went from plant killer to hobbyist
Anyone who has had the pleasure of living in Boone, Dowell, or Porter Hall knows that MEP is mildew-ridden and the AC vents are disgusting.
I got sick a lot freshman year and had difficulty shaking respiratory issues because the air quality was so bad. After a quick visit home,
I returned with a clipping from my mother's pothos and a dehumidifier to run at night. I managed not to kill the pothos, (I got really
close when I left it in my car on accident) and after a while my roommate and I had less respiratory issues. I received a holiday cactus
over winter break and I have been adding to my collection ever since.
My Story
The key is to start with plants that don't need bright light and like to dry out between waterings so you can put it almost anywhere and have
a clear indicator of when to water. I learned some new things during this project too, like waxy plants collect dust and need to be wiped down,
(my cacti) and certain plants benefit from misting. (nerve plant and holiday cactus) Another thing to be concious of is that most succulents
and cacti require less water during certain seasons, so it is important to read up on each type of plant you have to know when to cut back.
What I Learned
I now have five plants of my own and started taking care of the ones around the house during social distancing/quarantine. I labeled which plants I own on the plants page, but here is my main collection:
All work by Willow Stuckey | IST 276 at Mercer University | © 2020